
Job Opportunities in the Backed Portfolio

Backed VC

Spontaneous application



Paris, France
Posted on Sunday, April 2, 2023
If you want to work or have an internship/work-study placement at Cala, just send us your CV. We will reply within 24h 🌈
What's the company name?
Cala [ˈkɑːlə]
What's the company besides the name?
We are a [rapidly] expanding FoodTech company driven by a team of 35 ultra-talented people working on creating a fully autonomous pasta-cooking robot and managing a chain of revolutionary restaurants.
Same sentence, but shorter: we are making cool robots and selling great food.
Why even do all this? 🍝
Our mission is to make high-quality food more accessible. Historically, the Fast-food industry has done everything it could to reduce its food costs to cope with increasing real-estate and labor costs, but we do the opposite - we use the productivity gains from our robot to invest in high-quality locally sourced ingredients, we prepare them carefully in insanely good and infinitely customizable recipes and serve them in a delightful customer-centric experience. The pasta is legit awesome, so we need a Communications Manager to help spread the word!
What are our values?
1. We optimize for Long term, Positive, Measurable impact
We shy away from bullshit metrics and virtue signaling and instead focus on having an impact
2. We practice proactive transparency
We use transparency as the cornerstone of trust we build with our customers and the responsibility we build with our team
3. We use rational thinking
We use first-principle thinking to make informed decisions and deconstruct the status quo
4. We move step by step
We take Gall's law to heart: "All complex systems that work evolved from simpler systems that worked" and build failure and iteration as part of the process
5. We get hands-on
We move exceptionally fast by doing by approaching every problem by asking "Can we do it ourselves?"
Where are we located?
Our headquarters is in Gentilly, it’s a fully renovated 3-stories church archive. Now, it hosts our workshop and main office.
Our restaurants are in Nation, Jussieu, and Jardin de Luxembourg
What are our perks and benefits?
-> Alan as our mutuelle (50% of monthly cost covered by Cala)
-> Swile card for restaurant tickets (1 ticket of 8€/day worked, 50% covered by Cala)
-> 50% of public transport subscription fees (Navigo, Imagine R, Velib, Veligo etc.)
-> Free house in Biarritz for vacations/remote work
-> BSPCE (equity) and yearly salary raises
What is the interview process?
10-20 minute introduction call with Natalia, our Head of Talent. It can be done over the phone or via Google meets, and the goal is to confirm basic requirements and answer any of your questions [also, Natalia is the one writing this job post, so if you dislike it, you can use this opportunity to complain about it].
45-60 minute in-depth call with the team lead. As the name suggests, this call goes in-depth into your experiences, technical skills, and philosophy to better understand what you are good at, what you don't want to do anymore, and what you'd like to learn.
3-4 hours to do an in-office/remote case study and meet the team. We use this time to better evaluate your skillset and see how you deal with work-related tasks and questions. We also see it as an opportunity for you to meet your potential future colleagues and get an inside view of how we work.
What are the hiring criteria?
For all our open positions, the hiring criteria are clear and transparent - the requirements are fully described in the job post. If ever there is a need to make a choice between 2 qualified candidates, we do the comparison based on the amount of relevant experience and availability.